At Christ the Priest Catholic Primary School, we seek to provide an environment which nurtures the social, emotional, physical and spiritual development of every child, and encourages the fulfilment of personal potential in all achievements.
A positive sense of Wellbeing refers to a state of being well physically, mentally, and spiritually. At Christ the Priest, our lens of wellbeing is further illuminated by our faith, as we listen to the words of Jesus who said; ‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:10). At Christ the Priest we provide students with a safe, inclusive and supportive learning environment, enabling and empowering students to flourish and realise their unique potential.
We do this by:
- Encouraging positive relationships between all members of the community by involving the community in the life of the school.
- Engaging with an interpreter on staff
- Providing a RESP program for refugees
- Engaging and working closely with trauma informed organisations for refugee families such as Foundation House
- Collaboratively implementing a whole school approach to positive behaviour management
- Weekly explicit teaching of social and emotional skills
- Encouraging student voice and agency
- Providing student leadership opportunities from Prep-6 and senior level leadership
- Providing opportunities for Grade 5 and Grade 6 students to attend camp
- Providing various activities at break times to engage students and harness their strengths
- Working in House Teams across the school and collaboratively working towards being a STAR (Safe, Team Workers, Achievers, Respectful)
- Facilitating an engaging two-year buddy program for our Prep and Year 5 students
- Engaging a school psychologist on staff
- Raise awareness on wellbeing topics that promote inclusion, respect and living in harmony with one another.
At Christ the Priest, We aim to be STARS!
Team Workers
Year 6 2023 Student Leadership Team fulfilling the following roles:
- Liturgy Leaders
- Arts Leaders
- ICT Leaders
- Inclusion Leaders
- Siena (Yellow) House Leaders
- Lisieux (Red) House Leaders
- MacKillop (Blue) House Leaders
- Aquinas (Green) House Leaders
We encourage children to contribute in positive and responsible ways to their school and community.
Our children are given opportunities to develop skills to:
- recognize and manage emotions
- develop care and concern for others
- establish positive relationships
- make responsible decisions
- handle challenging situations effectively.